Through out our 24+ years of recruiting and supplying teachers to schools in London, we saw an essential part of our core business being to provide a secure and supportive environment. 

 We developed a culture of high but achieveable expectations, offering respect, guidance, affirmation and acknowledgement, building on the strengths of each person. We provided ongoing opportunities for participation and contribution fostering responsibility, real decision-making power and building ownership for the pathways each could choose to find their success. By affirming and acknowledging individual strengths, and building caring relationships, teachers connected to life teaching and living in London. We celebrate the success and achievements of all DJM teachers.

It has been privileged to work with some of the best teachers over our twenty-four years.

Thank you for being a part of the wonderful adventure teaching in London with DJM

Although we share only a few of the many photos and testimonials we have gathered over the 24 years, none of you are forgotten and all of you are appreciated for what you did as a part of the DJM Community.

Thank you for the memories

Our tribute to DJM teachers